Checking Tyre Tread Depth

Checking Tyre Tread Depth

Having adequate tread depth on your wheels is vital to staying safe on the roads, says Libby Birch^ of the Western Bulldogs AFLW.

“As we drive, we are constantly faced with changing weather conditions and road hazards,” Libby says.

“Not only can this be very strenuous, it also adds to the general wear and tear of your tyres.”

In this video, Libby shows us how to measure tyre tread depth.

If you have access to a tyre tread wear indicator, you can easily identify if you have reached the minimum tread point, on all four tyres. For safety and legal reasons, tyre tread depth should not be less than 1.6mm.

Ensuring you have adequate tread means that the tyres have the ability to brake and stop safely on the roads.

If you don’t have access to an indicator you can use the following items as effective measuring instruments:

  • Coin
  • Ruler
  • Car key
  • Credit card
  • Bobby pin

Simply place the item flat in between the tread and ensure there is a depth of at least 3mm to stay safe on the road.

If you have a tyre tread depth of anything less than 2mm Libby recommends immediately visiting your local Bob Jane T-Marts store to have your tyres changed and your wheel alignment assessed.

(^Libby Birch- Former Western Bulldogs AFLW Player.)