How to Change a Flat Car Tyre | Bob Jane T-Marts

How to Change a Flat Car Tyre | Bob Jane T-Marts

Five simple steps on changing a flat tyre

It should be compulsory to learn the basic steps for changing a tyre when we turn 18 and get our hands on a driver’s licence, but we know this isn’t the case. This simple task often is overlooked until we are caught out with a deflating tyre, usually when we’re off on a driving holiday or running late for work.

We’ve created a simple short video that you can follow, and have summarised the process into five simple steps:

1. Pull over
Park your car in a safe area away from traffic and any road hazards. Ensure you have placed your car into park or first gear, and have engaged the hand brake. Switch on your hazard lights to warn any other drivers nearby. Once you get out of your car, quickly scan and assess the deflated tyre.

2. Open boot
Look for the tools and jack, usually kept in the car’s boot. When changing a tyre it is important to use gloves – not only will this prevent hands from getting dirty, it is also a precautionary measure in case the tyre is still hot. It’s also important to ensure that before you start with the process, all other occupants are outside the vehicle and in a safe area.

3. Remove tyre
Check that your new tyre is inflated. Grab the jack and place the jack under car. To ensure your safety, place a rock in front of the front tyre and the spare tyre under your car.

4. Jack under car
Wind up the jack then loosen the wheel nuts with the wheel wrench.

5. Take off tyre and tighten wheel nuts

Simply take off the tyre and place the new tyre on the vehicle. You can then begin to tighten the wheel nuts. Lastly, wind the jack down. Ensure you check and tighten the tension of the wheel nuts so they are firm and secure. Then simply place the remaining tools in the boot of car.

Once you have successfully changed your tyre, head to your nearest Bob Jane T-Marts store for a wheel alignment check and tyre balancing to ensure optimum safety and performance.